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Office Staff

Elianne Bahena

Elianne Bahena

District Chief of Staff

Tony Mondragon

Tony Mondragon

Aldermanic Aide

Cristy Calderon

Cristy Calderon

Constituent Services Director

Ronelle Mustin

Ronelle Mustin

Aldermanic Aide

Vianey Dominguez

Vianey Dominguez

Constituent Services Coordinator

22nd Ward

Alderperson Michael D. Rodriguez

4035 W. 26th Street

Chicago, IL 60623

Horas de oficina:

Lunes - 9 AM a 7 PM

Martes a viernes de 9 a. M. A 5 p. M.

Sábados y domingos: cerrado


Noches de barrio todos los lunes por la noche:

4 p.m. a 7 p.m., con cita previa

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