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Ronelle Mustin

Aldermanic Aide

Mr. Ronelle Mustin has been a resident of the 22nd ward for 45 years. He is an active community leader and serves as a block club chairman in North Lawndale. Mr. Ron is a supporter of unity among all peoples. He studied business at Alabama A&M. He can be found listening to R&B, and his favorite artist is Gladys Knight. 

Ronelle Mustin

22nd Ward

Alderperson Michael D. Rodriguez

4035 W. 26th Street

Chicago, IL 60623

Horas de oficina:

Lunes - 9 AM a 7 PM

Martes a viernes de 9 a. M. A 5 p. M.

Sábados y domingos: cerrado


Noches de barrio todos los lunes por la noche:

4 p.m. a 7 p.m., con cita previa

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